【 The Two Ghosts 】 Classic Japanese Ghost Story

In a Japanese folktale, Shinbei, a timid samurai, confronts ghosts in a haunted mansion, unlocking a tale of lost love and redemption.

Japanese Title

Futarino Yurei / 二人の幽霊


The Two Ghosts

Location / Origin



The Story of 【 The Two Ghosts 】

Once upon a time, in a certain town, there was a samurai named Shinbei, known for his pale complexion and timid nature. He was often ridiculed by fellow samurais for his lack of skill in archery and swordsmanship, being called a coward.

In this town, there was a once grand but now decrepit mansion rumored to be haunted. No brave warrior could spend a whole night there. Teased by his comrades that he wouldn’t even dare to enter the mansion’s gate, Shinbei, determined to prove them wrong, prepared himself and apprehensively set out for the haunted house.

Upon entering the overgrown garden, two orbs of light, ghostly will-o’-the-wisps, approached him from the west and east. Terrified but holding back his fear, Shinbei entered the mansion. 

Suddenly, a female ghost with long hair and holding a box of silver coins appeared, followed by a male ghost with a key. Shinbei, shaking with fear, bravely asked about their story.

The male ghost revealed that they were both servants of the mansion, in love and planning to marry. 

However, their master disapproved. They decided to elope with the mansion’s money but were caught and killed by their master, who buried them separately. They haunted the mansion in vengeance but could not find peace. They requested Shinbei to use the money for their memorial services so they could rest in peace. 

Agreeing to help, Shinbei watched as the ghosts transformed back into orbs and vanished, leaving behind the box of silver and its key.

The next morning, Shinbei relayed the story to a monk at a local temple, who performed the necessary rites for the ghosts. 

The lord of the land, upon hearing of Shinbei’s brave deed, praised him, declaring that he was a true samurai and rewarded him with the mansion.

The end.


Cultural Background

Samurai and Courage

The story centers around a samurai, Shinbei, whose journey from cowardice to courage reflects the samurai ethos of bravery and honor, crucial in Japanese culture.

Japanese Ghosts and Hauntings

The presence of vengeful spirits (yūrei) in a haunted mansion taps into the rich tapestry of Japanese ghost lore, where spirits often seek resolution of their earthly sufferings.

Redemption and Spiritual Beliefs

The story also illustrates the importance of rituals for the dead in Japanese culture, emphasizing the belief in the power of these rituals to bring peace to restless spirits.


Samurai (侍)

A warrior class in feudal Japan, known for their martial prowess and adherence to the code of bushido.

Will-o’-the-Wisps (Hitodama)

In Japanese folklore, these are ghostly lights that often signify the presence of spirits.

Memorial Services (供養, Kuyō)

Ceremonies conducted by monks in Japan to honor the deceased and help their spirits attain peace.

Haunted Mansion

 A common motif in Japanese ghost stories, representing places where unresolved matters of the past linger and manifest as hauntings.

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