【 The Old Woman in the Lonely House 】 Classic Japanese Folktale

Embark on a journey with Shigehyoe, a young man who plays a prank on a fox, only to find himself in a surreal situation with an eerie old woman. This Japanese folktale weaves themes of karma, the supernatural, and traditional customs into a captivating story.

Japanese Title

Ikkenya no baba / 一軒家の婆


The Old Woman in the Lonely House


Aomori Prefecture / 青森県


The Story of 【 The Old Woman in the Lonely House 】

Long ago, in a village, lived a young man named Shigehyoe. One winter morning, Shigehyoe had business in the neighboring town. While walking by the river, he noticed a fox scratching at the snow near a cliff’s edge.

“Let’s give this fox a scare,” thought Shigehyoe. He threw a snowball near the fox, startling it. The fox leapt and fell into the river below. Finding it amusing, Shigehyoe taunted, “Hey, swim better!” and happily continued on his way.

Around noon, he finished his business and headed home. Though it should’ve still been daytime, it grew strangely dark. “Weird. It shouldn’t be dark yet,” he thought. As he reached the same cliff, darkness enveloped him. “I can’t go on like this,” he said, thinking about sleeping outside. Then, he saw a light.

“Good evening,” he greeted as he entered a house. Inside, an old woman with white hair was sitting by a hearth. “I’m Shigehyoe from the next village. Could you lend me a torch or a lantern?” The woman shook her head.

“In that case, may I stay here tonight?” She gestured him to sit by the hearth. “Thank you,” said Shigehyoe. But no matter how much he tried to make conversation, the woman remained silent and kept applying black dye to her teeth.

Soon, the fire flickered low. “Where’s the firewood?” Shigehyoe asked, but the woman didn’t reply. Gradually, he felt uneasy and shivered.

Suddenly, the woman’s eyes flashed. She lunged toward him with her blackened teeth exposed, making a snapping sound. Terrified, Shigehyoe leapt up, expecting to overturn the hearth but found himself falling off the cliff into the river. The darkness, the house, and the old woman all vanished, replaced by a snowy landscape.

On the cliff, the same fox from the morning was hopping around, yipping joyfully.

Note: This story is a Japanese folktale that delves into the supernatural and karma, with a mix of humor and suspense. It also reflects cultural practices like dyeing teeth black for aesthetic reasons, a bygone tradition in Japan.

Notes of 【 The Old Woman in the Lonely House 】

Cultural Background

Karma and Consequences

The tale emphasizes the concept of karma, where one’s actions come full circle.

Supernatural Elements

 Foxes in Japanese folklore are often portrayed as cunning creatures with mystical abilities.

Ancient Traditions

 The old woman is seen applying black dye to her teeth, a historical Japanese aesthetic practice known as “Ohaguro.”



A traditional fireplace used for warmth and cooking, a common feature in old Japanese homes.


 A historical Japanese practice of dyeing one’s teeth black for aesthetic purposes, commonly seen among married women and aristocrats.


A concept prevalent in many Asian cultures, referring to the spiritual principle of cause and effect.


Traditional sources of light in pre-modern Japan, often used for travel or within homes.

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