【 The Cat Bride 】 Classic Japanese Folktale

“The Cat Bride” is a heartwarming Japanese folktale that teaches lessons about kindness, devotion, and transformation. In this story, a poor man takes in a cat thrown away by a greedy rich man. They form a deep bond, and the cat eventually transforms into a human to become his bride. Together, they live a life richer than their materialistic neighbor.

Japanese Title

Neko Nyo-bo / 猫女房


The Cat Bride


Iwate Prefecture / 岩手県


The Story of 【 The Cat Bride 】

Once upon a time, in a certain place, there lived a poor man and a greedy rich man side by side. One night, the rich man, not wanting to feed his pet female cat, grabbed her by the scruff of the neck and threw her outside. The cat meowed pitifully and went to the poor man’s house next door.

Even though they were neighbors, in the countryside of old times, they were quite far apart. The cat walked slowly over to the poor man’s house. The poor man was asleep but woke up to the cat’s cries.

Feeling sorry for her, he said, “Why are you meowing outside at this hour? Did your owner treat you badly again? Well, you can stay here,” and let her in.

From then on, he shared his meager meals with the cat every day.

One night, as he was holding the cat in his arms while sleeping, he mumbled, “I wish you were human. Life would be easier if you could do household chores like grinding flour while I’m out working in the fields. But you’re just an animal, so it’s not possible.”

The next morning, he woke up early, before even the stars had disappeared, and went to work in the fields. When he returned home that night, he heard the sound of a grinding mill inside his dark home. “Who could it be?” he wondered. When he entered, he was astonished to find the cat grinding flour. “Did you do this because of what I said last night?” he asked, wide-eyed.

His affection for the cat deepened even more. That evening, he made dumplings from the ground flour, and they both ate them. “These dumplings are made from the flour you ground. Eat, eat; it’s delicious. I’ve never enjoyed a meal more than today.” The cat meowed happily and ate.

From then on, whenever the man was away, the cat would grind flour for him, making his life much easier. One evening, while warming themselves by the hearth, the cat said, “I can’t fully repay your kindness as long as I remain an animal. I want to go on a pilgrimage to become human. Please grant me leave to do so.”

Convinced that this was no ordinary cat, the man agreed. He gave her some money, which he tied around her neck, and she set off on her journey.

Along the way, the cat met neither wicked dogs nor foxes, and successfully completed her pilgrimage. The gods, impressed by her sincerity, granted her wish and transformed her into a beautiful young woman.

Returning home joyously, she and the man got married. They worked hard together, and in the end, they became even more prosperous than the greedy rich neighbor. And so, they lived happily ever after.

Note of 【 The Cat Bride 】


Grinding Mill

Traditional tool used to grind grains into flour. Indicates the poor man’s humble lifestyle.


A journey to a sacred place, often undertaken for spiritual growth. The cat goes on a pilgrimage to transform into a human.


 A symbol of home and warmth; where the cat and man have their deep conversations.

Meager meals

Simple, not lavish meals, indicative of the poor man’s modest means but rich in kindness.

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