【The Blue Tengu and The Red Tengu】Classic Japanese Folktale

Japanese folktale tengu

“The Blue Tengu and The Red Tengu” is a touching tale of a blue and red Tengu whose friendship triumphs over misunderstandings and is motivated by looking at how others behave.

Japanese Title

Ao to Aka no Tengu san / 青と赤の天狗さん、あおとあかののてんぐさん


The Blue Tengu and The Red Tengu


Yamagata Prefecture / 山形県 の昔話


The Story of “The Blue Tengu and The Red Tengu”

Once upon a time, there was a tower as tall as a lie. 

At the top of this tower lived two very good friends, a blue tengu and a red tengu. As usual, the blue tengu and the red tengu were at the top of the tower, observing the world and its people below.

The red tengu said to the blue tengu, “Hey, blue friend. How many years have we been living in this tower?”

“Hm…I think it’s been about five hundred years,” the blue tengu replied.

Five hundred years of watching the world below. It was fascinating to see how things changed, yet they hadn’t changed a bit. 

“Well, the people in the lower world are always busy fighting all year round,” the blue tengu mused lazily. “Ah, it seems they change by constantly battling with each other.”

Inspired by this revelation, the red tengu sprung up, exclaiming, 

“We must do the same. We must fight, too!”

Taken aback, the blue tengu responded, “Why so sudden? We’re good friends, isn’t that what matters?” But the red tengu paid no heed.

“Anyway, I’ve decided. We’re going to start fighting today. For a while, I won’t be your playmate.”

Influenced by the humans below, the blue tengu and the red tengu decided to stage a conflict of their own. From that day, they spent time separately across the tower, avoiding each other as much as possible.

One day, the blue tengu, feeling bored, watched the world below. He noticed a castle shimmering brightly. 

Out of curiosity, he decided to extend his nose toward it. As his nose stretched, it reached the castle.

At that moment, the castle was busy drying the princess’s beautiful kimono. The maidens were delighted to find a long pole, not realizing it was the blue tengu’s nose, and hung their kimonos on it. 

When the blue tengu withdrew his nose, drawing the colorful kimono back with it, the maidens were left in shock as the kimono took flight, its gold brocade shining in the blue sky.

Upon retraction, the blue tengu was surprised to find the beautiful kimono hanging from his nose. 

“Well, would you look at that!” he exclaimed, delighted with the unexpected gifts.

Soon after, the red tengu arrived, asking, 

“What are you doing with those beautiful things?”

“I extended my nose to the castle and found these beautiful kimonos,” the blue tengu responded happily. “There are plenty more, and I’ve saved some for you as well.”

However, the red tengu turned his head away, saying, 

“Nonsense! I won’t wear such delicate things!” 

And with that, he quickly returned to the other side of the tower, although he secretly envied the blue tengu.

The red tengu decided to try his luck as well, stretching his nose towards the castle. 

However, his nose landed in the middle of a martial arts practice rather than among lovely kimonos. As the fighter struck at his nose, he retracted it, ending up with a sore, bandaged nose and no kimonos.

Seeing the red tengu in this state, the blue tengu approached him. 

“Oi, red friend! What happened to your nose?” he asked, surprised. The red tengu merely replied, “Leave me alone.”

Upon seeing the wound, the blue tengu felt sympathetic. 

“Poor thing,” he murmured, causing the red tengu to shed tears. 

To cheer him up, the blue tengu offered half of the beautiful kimonos. And so, their friendship was rekindled, stronger than before.

Notes of “The Blue Tengu and The Red Tengu”

Cultural Background


Tengu are legendary creatures found in Japanese folktales, often depicted as humanoid birds. They’re known to be mischievous but can also be protective spirits. This story depicts Tengus in a friendly light, watching over the human world.


The kimono is a traditional Japanese garment, often intricately designed and highly valued. The beautiful kimonos in the story represent treasures that can be shared among friends.

The theme of Friendship and Envy

The story carries a universal theme of friendship and envy. The Tengus, influenced by human conflict, momentarily lose their friendship but ultimately rediscover its value, a common moral in many folktales.



A mythical creature in Japanese folklore, often depicted as a bird of prey and known for its long nose and red face.

Blue Tengu and Red Tengu

These represent two distinct characters in the story. The colors may symbolize their contrasting personalities or perspectives.


A traditional Japanese robe that is typically ornate and colorful, worn on special occasions.

Martial Arts

 Various systems or traditions of combat practiced for numerous reasons including self-defense, competition, and spiritual development. In the story, it symbolizes the potential dangers in the human world.

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