【 Shigejiro of Esashi 】 Classic Japanese Folktale

In the coastal town of Esashi, Shigejiro, a lazy man, comes up with a unique way to dodge work during the herring fishing season. Claiming devotion to Kannon-sama, the Goddess of Mercy, he convinces his boss to give him days off. However, his devotion is so expansive that it essentially makes him exempt from work entirely, leaving his boss at a loss for words.

Japanese Title

Esashi no Shigejiro / 江差の繁次郎「観音と休み」


Shigejiro of Esashi


Hokkaido Prefecture / 北海道


The Story of 【 Shigejiro of Esashi 】

Once upon a time, Shigejiro from Esashi was known for being a lazy man.

During the herring fishing season, everyone worked diligently: some carried herrings in baskets, some sorted them, some gutted them, and some dried them.

It was a busy scene, almost like a battlefield. But Shigejiro hated working and was always thinking of ways to avoid it. Finally, he had an idea and went to speak to the boss.

“Boss, I have a request to make,” he said with a serious look on his face.

“What is it, Shigejiro?”

“I’ve decided to devote myself to Kannon-sama (the Goddess of Mercy).”

“Why the sudden devotion?” the boss asked, intrigued.

“Well, seeing you devoted to Ebisu-sama (the God of Wealth), I thought I should also have some faith.”

Impressed, the boss said, “Alright.”

“Can I take the day off on Kannon-sama’s special days?” Shigejiro requested.

“Certainly, you can have the day off on those occasions,” the boss agreed.

From then on, Shigejiro became idle every day. When the boss confronted him, saying, “You’re always goofing off, shouldn’t you be working at least a little?” Shigejiro would retort, “You said I could take the day off for Kannon-sama’s days.”

“But on which day are you supposed to work, then?” asked the boss.

“There are 33 Kannon-sama. Since there are only 30 days in a month, I’m actually doing you a favor by giving you 3 extra days,” Shigejiro replied.

The boss was so stunned that his mouth hung open, and he couldn’t find the words to respond.

And so, Shigejiro continued to slack off every day and still collected his wages.

Notes of 【 Shigejiro of Esashi 】

Cultural Background

Social and Work Ethics

The story reflects the emphasis on hard work and dedication that’s prevalent in Japanese culture. Shigejiro’s behavior is amusing but ultimately considered unethical.

Religious Practices

Religious devotion and holidays in Japan can sometimes be used as an excuse for various activities, and the story humorously points out how this can be exploited.

Traditional Occupations

Herring fishing is a traditional Japanese occupation. This setting allows for a focus on community and hard work, making Shigejiro’s laziness all the more glaring.



A coastal town in Japan, known for its herring fishing.


 The Goddess of Mercy in Buddhist belief, often invoked for compassion and kindness.


The Japanese God of Wealth, luck, and fishermen. Considered one of the Seven Lucky Gods in Japanese mythology.

Herring Fishing Season

A significant time in traditional Japanese fishing communities, where the catch of herring is essential for both food and economic sustenance.

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