【  King Araki and King Shidoke 】 Classic Japanese Folktale

A tale of strength and friendship between two legendary kings, King Araki and King Shidoke, on a remote Japanese island.

Japanese Title

Araki-ou to Shidoke-Ou / アラキ王とシドケ王


King Araki and King Shidoke


Kagoshima Prefecture/ 鹿児島県


The Story of 【  King Araki and King Shidoke 】

Long ago, far south of Kyushu in Japan, on Kikai Island, there lived two kings: King Araki and King Shidoke. Both were renowned for their extraordinary strength.

One day, King Araki decided to challenge King Shidoke to a test of strength and went to his house, calling out loudly, “Is King Shidoke home? I am Araki, and I have come for a test of strength!” King Shidoke’s wife came out and asked King Araki to wait inside as her husband would be home soon.

Inside, King Araki saw massive iron clogs and a cane as thick as a pillar, realizing he was up against a formidable opponent. He tried on the clogs and lifted the cane but found them incredibly heavy, unable to move an inch.

Suddenly, it grew dark outside, and King Araki saw a mountain of firewood walking towards the house, calling out, “I’m home!” On closer inspection, it was King Shidoke carrying a huge pile of firewood. King Araki, terrified by his strength, quietly slipped out and ran back home.

Hearing about this from his wife, King Shidoke chased after King Araki. Along the Shiomi beach path, King Araki was seen running up a hill. King Shidoke yelled, “Shio hill, sink down!” Miraculously, the hill flattened, but King Araki kept running. Then King Shidoke shouted, “Big river, appear!” and a large river formed instantly. King Araki jumped over the river and ran into his sister Oden’s house.

King Shidoke caught up, demanding to continue the contest. King Araki’s sister came out, saying the contest should start with her. King Shidoke, underestimating her, threw her high above the roof, but she, surprisingly strong, did the same to him. King Shidoke landed on a large kwa tree, getting stuck between the branches, unable to free himself due to gourds rolling under his feet.

Finally, even the mighty King Shidoke admitted defeat to King Araki’s sister. However, since he had bested King Araki, they declared the contest a draw. From then on, the two kings remained good friends.

Notes of 【  King Araki and King Shidoke 】


King Araki and King Shidoke

 Legendary figures representing strength and power.

Kikai Island (喜界島)

A real island in Kagoshima Prefecture, often featured in regional folklore.

Iron Clogs and Cane

Symbolize the extraordinary strength of the characters.

Shio Hill and Big River

Examples of the magical elements in the story, showcasing the kings’ supernatural abilities.

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