JPN Urban Legends– category –

JPN Urban LegendsJPN Urban Legends(Ⅰ)

About JPN Urban Legends

These contents are Urban Legends collected from various capitals in Japan.
Urban legends is the Japanese word for Toshidensetsu.

Some of the stories collected range from well-known tales such as “The Slit-Mouthed Woman” to those known only to a few connoisseurs, such as “The Red Button."

What is JNS Urban Legends (Toshidensetsu)?

About “Toshidensetsu

“Toshidensetsu” (都市伝説) is a Japanese term that translates to “urban legends” in English. Just like urban legends from other parts of the world, these are contemporary stories circulated as truth, typically involving mysterious, frightening, or strange events.

The term “toshidensetsu” is made up of three parts: “toshi” (都市) means “city” or “urban,” “den” (伝) means “transmit” or “pass on,” and “setsu” (説) means “theory” or “legend.” So, it literally means “city transmitted legends.”

About the Storie

Japanese urban legends often include supernatural elements or occurrences, similar to traditional folklore, but they are usually set in more modern settings, like schools, hospitals, or even specific roads or intersections. They can involve ghosts, unexplained phenomena, or even unique, one-of-a-kind characters like Kuchisake-onna (口裂け女, the “Slit-Mouthed Woman”) or Hanako-san (花子さん, “Toilet Hanako-san”).


For example, "Kuchisake-onna" is a legend about a woman with her mouth slit from ear to ear who asks people if they think she's beautiful. Depending on your answer, it's said that different terrifying outcomes will happen.


Another one is "Hanako-san," a ghost that supposedly haunts school bathrooms. It's said that if you go to the third stall in the girl's bathroom and knock three times before asking "Are you there, Hanako-san?" she might answer you.

Story goes on...

While these stories aren't based in fact, they are a part of pop culture and often serve as cautionary tales or ways to scare friends at sleepovers. Like all folklore, they offer a way to deal with societal fears and anxieties.